Sesame Bliss Balls 😋🤩🤗

The 411

 These crazy, chewy kids are super-powered, nutritionally dense and bring a sweet, warming and nourishing effect to the body. Sesame seeds nourish the yin of the Lungs. They also bring this effect to the Liver Blood (when blood is nourished, qi is nourished!) and Kidney Jing (vital essence!). Seeds in general also have a moistening effect on the large intestines so they can be good for healthy bowel movements. Finally, sesame seeds and flax seeds are rich in Omega 3 oils (aka nourishing and moistening). Omega 3’s may help balance the lipid profile, lower blood pressure, and cut inflammation in the body.

Digestion Pro-tip

Bliss Balls are meant to be chewed THOROUGHLY! When you spend some quality time chewing your food, it stimulates the Stomach meridian that runs through…guess where…the lower JAW – and this, in turn, puts the digestion system on alert that nutrients are on the way. Also, the act of chewing itself releases digestive enzymes into the saliva and starts breaking down food before it even reaches the stomach.


  • 1 cup raw or roasted black sesame seeds (regular sesame seeds work as well)

  • 2 TBS raw golden flax seeds

  • Raw honey to bond the seeds together

  • Optional add-ins: 1 tsp - 1 TBS reishi powder, cordyceps powder, raw cacao, candied ginger and/or turmeric (be careful, will stain!).

Place seeds - and any optional add-ins - in a food processor so that some of the seeds break down. Add honey until a paste/dough forms. If you don’t have a food processor, you can use a blender or coffee grinder to break the seeds down and then hand-mix in the honey.

Roll balls in cinnamon, raw cacao or hemp seeds and store in the fridge in a covered container. You can also press the dough into a bowl and sprinkle cinnamon/cacao/hemp seeds on top and eat it by the spoonful.



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